Losing our life to find our life is one of Jesus’ important teaching as all four Gospels contain this statement, and the Gospel of Matthew has it in twice.[1] How do we lose our life?
First let us clarify that Jesus is encouraging us to release the power, prestige, platform, perks, and pride of possessions. And my friend, that releasing is going to feel like you are lost in your own home, heart, mind, and spirit. Losing our life is part of the spiritual journey to freedom. If you find yourself feeling lost, noticing friends are stepping back or away from you, or you are making choices that are non-life giving – reach out to a spiritual director. The inner work you are doing is best (maybe even easier) done in a community of trust, in a space of love, in prayer with another.
Spiritual direction is centered in a healing welcome on behalf of God to the seeker. A healing welcome rests in understanding of one’s own experience of being welcomed in their release, their grief, their lostness. A healing welcome awaits whosoever comes.
[1] Matthew 10:39 and 16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, and John 12:26.