
Reading the Hebrew Bible presents situations that look and sound like group spiritual direction. In the book of Ezekiel, the elders of Israel, who are in Babylon as exiles, come to the prophet to consult with God. As one follows their exchange in the text, one sees growth and spiritual change. Kim sees these meetings as early group spiritual direction sessions. Then in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says that when two or three are gathering, he joins them. Following are spiritual direction offerings:

Individual Spiritual Direction is generally a spiritual practice that one desires for deepening their spiritual awareness. Currently, Kim is taking new individual directees. The commitment needed is for a 6 to 12 month time frame, meeting together once every 3 to 5 weeks as your schedule allows. Fees are based on a sliding scale from $45 to $85 per hour. The directee determines what fee is best for their financial situation. Spiritual Direction with Kim is available either in person or virtually.

Spiritual Intensive Care is time set apart to focus on your spiritual life.  Strength it.  Listen to it.  Care for it. This offering is a five-day spiritual direction intensive care of your spirit.  Each day, you and Kim gather, via a virtual platform or face-to-face, to listen for God’s voice in your life.  You bring what your urgent and important longings are, and together with God and Holy Spirit, stay curious about God’s path in your life. You and Kim will meet each day for 60 minutes.  A bit of homework may be assigned between days, and you will be encouraged to engage in your spiritual practices with a bit more regularity.   This offering might be for someone in an important time of discernment, someone in pain – emotional, physical, spiritual, or someone in a muck of their own making.  Contact Kim for rates and scheduling at

Couple Spiritual Direction is a wonderful spiritual practice for couples who wish to deepen their commitment to one another and to God. Together they enter this spiritual practice, agreeing to meet once every 4 to 6 weeks for 90 minutes. Together they listen to one another, to God, and to what is being called forth in their journey. Fees are based on a sliding scale from $50 to $90 per session.

Group Spiritual Direction is for groups of 3 to 6 people who may or may not know one another, but for whom all desire for more of God. This is a wonderful way to “taste and see” how spiritual direction works in your spiritual life. The Group meets once a month, each one taking a turn sharing, while others listen on behalf of God. Prayer practices are part of this journey and are incorporated during each gathering. The Group commits to confidentiality around what is shared and to praying one for another during our times apart.

If you wish to bring Group Spiritual Direction to your church or parish, please contact Kim directly. Together you can discern what is needed. Generally, Group Spiritual Direction is held for up to two hours. Again, the fee is a sliding scale from $15 to $45 per person, per session.

Retreat Leader

Kim is available to lead retreats. Please contact her if you are interested in hosting a retreat. She will work with you on what God might be calling forth.

Faith Formation Guide

Kim teaches adult faith formation classes. Please contact her if you wish to have adult faith formation taught in your church or parish. She will work with you on the length of the sessions and the frequency of them. For example, one church had her teach adult faith formation on the first and third Sundays in the hour before church services begin.