Practice Detachment


God appears to value detachment from how “everyone else lives.”  A call to detach from non-life-giving ways, appears throughout the Biblical text.  God’s call over and over to the sons and daughters of Abraham, was to detach from idolatry and come into a life-giving relationship with God.  Detachment is not the path of our culture.  Rather our culture invites you to attach to the car you drive, the job you hold, the neighborhood where you live, and even what school or college you attend.  It invites you to become an addict to your phone, your devices, your drink, even your brand of jeans.  Consider how this current message hangs in the air as your read Jesus’ invitation, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead.  You’re not in the driver’s seat—I am.  Don’t run from suffering; embrace it.  Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all.  Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?” (Luke 9:23-25, from The Message).  Attachments help us lose our real self.  So, Jesus calls and invites us into a space of detachment from that which is not life giving.  My space in this journey is around working with individuals who desire to detach from non-life-giving eating patterns.  If this feels like you, please keep reading.

Are you ready to take a small step towards this invitation?  Would you like to have co-travelers with you?  A small group of people, for example a community, helps us come into maturity.  A group can serve each member with inspiration, with listening, and with guidance.[1]

If so, I invite you pray about joining a small group (six people plus me as the Spiritual Director) who journey in God and with each other.  This small group will move intentionally towards detachment from unhealthy eating to a deeper life-giving relationship with God and food.  As spiritual pilgrims we will aim at living into the truth and releasing lies.  We will aim at living into doing what we love and stop doing what is killing us.  We will create a path into a life that is based on self-care and love.


If you are interested in this journey, or would like more information, please email me



[1] Daniel Schrock, Becoming Faithful Mirrors: Diversity in Group Direction, eds. Marlene Kropf and Daniel Schrock, (New York: Morehouse Publication, 2012), 153.